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Form provided by Freedback.

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions 須知條列
catherine / 2010-11-03

Terms and Conditions


- Serious buyers only spammers are not welcomed.
- 歡迎誠意者,謝拒玩弄者!

- We only accept the payment by bank in account & online banking!

- Only we sending you the product in next day you are bank in!
- 我們會在你匯入付款第二天把貨物寄出!

- if have any product out of store we be call u back!
- 如果有缺貨我們將通過電話通知你!

- and we must charges you a delivery fee for the product!
- 你所訂購的產品我們將會對你收取運送費用!

- how we charges the delivery fee is depends to the product your order!
- 運送的費用就要看你所訂購的數量來限定!

- Guidelines to return/exchange of goods purchased
Becausethis transaction is done online, our company does careful inspection togoods orders before delivery.Therefore,
our company temporarily doesnot accept return/exchange of goods purchased. We apologize for anyinconvenience caused.
- 退/换货原则
所以本店是不接受商品退换或退款的, 如果为你带来不便,本公司深感抱歉!

-We are not responsible with any lost or damages incurred during the shipping.
Ifyou are thing we are selling the damages item before sending, We hopeyou please please stop step here,
and don't be stupid made bad my shopname, if have this happen i be accountability to low!
- 再运送过程包果有任何损坏及包果失踪我们都不负责人,


-Webe take the photo parcel before we sending out to pos office, we dothis also hope our customer be ease and case unpleasant happen.

- after submit your order form please made your payment in 2 day, if not the order automatic cancel.
- 請在訂購表格寄出的2天内付款,如有延遲您的訂單將自動取消。

- for the pro-order item product is also the same much be made the full payment in 2 day, if not the order automatic cancel.
- 预购的也一样哦!請在訂購表格寄出的2天内付款,如有延遲您的訂單將自動取消。

- when you are sending your order form  meaning you are agree with all the terms & conditions.
- 订单表格承上代表您已经同意所有本店的条例。

Thank You!
Happy Shopping With cuteclip